Doing Business with India

Expanding into India offers immense potential, but navigating its business landscape requires the right expertise and connections. At Lall Ondhia, we have built a trusted network of accountants, solicitors, and industry specialists across the UK and India, providing businesses with the strategic guidance, financial support, and local insights needed for seamless market entry and long-term success. 

At Lall Ondhia, we add value to your Value Added Tax. Our experts deliver services that reduce the complexities and administration burden that comes from operating in today’s corporate world.

We provide assistance with VAT Registration, VAT Planning and VAT Returns. We also offer VAT Health Checks to quickly identify and reduce your company’s overall VAT liabilities.

VAT issues that arise from prospective business plans can compromise arrangements and incur massive costs to a company.

At Lall Ondhia, we provide VAT consultancy services that support companies in the complex areas of VAT.

Our VAT tax consultants can assist with a wide variety of VAT issues, ranging from VAT application and registration to complex matters such as capital goods schemes and partial exemption calculations.

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Tailored Financial Solutions

Every business is unique. We offer bespoke services that align with your company’s goals and challenges.

Proactive Support

We anticipate your needs before they arise, ensuring that your company stays ahead of financial obligations.

Industry Expertise

Our seasoned professionals stay up-to-date with the latest financial regulations, offering expert guidance to keep you compliant and tax-efficient.

Our Services for
Freelancers and Contractors

VAT Health Check

Ensuring compliance and identifying potential risks. Our experience working with HMRC can quickly identify and remedy any weaknesses in your accounting controls and systems. A VAT Health Check can:

  • Review and sample check your accounting records for errors
  • Sample test the most common errors that the VAT inspectors look for
  • Statistically analyse your completed VAT returns
  • Sample check the completion of VAT returns
  • Compare your VAT returns against your annual accounts
  • Check the VAT treatment of your sales
  • Consider whether you are making the best use of relevant VAT schemes
  • Ensure you are correctly applying the rules of VAT schemes
  • Identify VAT planning opportunities.

VAT Planning and Disputes

Expert guidance on VAT efficiency and conflict resolution. Compliance with VAT is becoming ever more complex. Investigations from the VATman can be intense – all the more important that you have an accountant who is successful in negotiations with them.
We take the best advantage of the reliefs available and the interpretation of the regulations. This is an extremely important feature of the service provided as it ensures peace of mind for all our clients.
We can help you with VAT in the following ways:

  • Applying for and advice on VAT registration
  • Advice on the VAT schemes suitable to your business
  • Completion of VAT returns
  • Dealing with VAT control visits
  • Dealing with any contentious disputes that arise with Customs.

VAT Registration

Hassle-free VAT registration and compliance support. You must register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if your business’ VAT taxable turnover is more than £85,000. We can assist with:

  • Advising if you need to or if it would be beneficial to register;
  • Completion of the VAT registration forms and formalities;
  • Advising on the best VAT schemes to use suitable to your business – some you have to notify HMRC you are using and some you don’t.
  • Completion of VAT Returns or training on how to complete them
  • VAT planning
  • Dealing with any contentious disputes that arise with Customs
  • Attendance at VAT inspections.

VAT Returns

Accurate VAT filings to meet HMRC regulations. Details of the VAT you charge customers and pay HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are provided using the VAT return. UK VAT-registered businesses must complete VAT returns and pay any VAT due to HMRC. There are three methods we can use to assist in the completion of VAT returns:

  • Let us do your bookkeeping and we complete the return from there
  • Give us your books and we’ll complete the return for you
  • Provide training on how to complete your return.
We are able to complete VAT returns in time to ensure you avoid any penalties. In addition, we are able to assist with:
  • Applying for VAT registration
  • Advice on the VAT schemes suitable to your business
  • VAT planning
  • Dealing with any disputes that arise with Customs
  • Attendance at VAT inspections.


Lall Ondhia’s VAT UK consulting services include offering expert advice such as:

  • Keep trading records in order

Not only should you keep the records that HMRC wants, but they should be ordered in a way that the documents can be found in case of inspections. 

  • Keep VAT records to hand

Keep separate folders (digital or paper) containing a copy of your VAT registration certificate, copies of submitted VAT returns and copies of any correspondence with HRMC.

  • Create sales records

Keep copies of all VAT invoices issued by your business that show your VAT registration number, the tax point, supply description and the rate of VAT charged.

  • Keep records of all your purchasing activities

Keep copies of all purchase invoices and receipts issued to your business that show export documents relating to overseas trade, original VAT invoices, credit notes and other documents that alter supply value.

Companies of all sizes are regularly confronted with difficult VAT-related questions.

For more expert advice, contact us today for our VAT consultancy services in London.


Those who trust us

We are here to address any questions you may have as you implement your plan. Additionally, for clients seeking an ongoing partnership, we provide comprehensive